What is Cycle Syncing?

Cycle Syncing is the practice of altering lifestyle factors and habits in line with the four distinct phases of the menstrual cycle. This can include nutrition, sleep, exercise, social and work events.

Why should you Cycle Sync?

The menstrual cycle, also called the infradian rhythm, is an average 28 day cycle that every being with a uterus experiences, due to natural hormonal fluctuations across this time span. Women have an infradian rhythm AND a circadian rhythm, whereas men just have a circadian rhythm, which is a 24 hour cycle that is relatively the same day in and day out.

You naturally live life in line with your circadian rhythm every single day. This cycle is maintained through the time that you wake up at, the time that you go to sleep at, how long you sleep for, when you eat your meals and the routines that allow your body to naturally produce the exact hormones that you need at certain times of day (e.g cortisol to wake you up & melatonin to help you sleep).

The times that you disrupt your circadian rhythm are when you…

  • take a long flight and experience jet lag

  • stay up all night working on something

  • wake up way earlier than you usually would with less sleep

and what is the common thing about all of the above?… That each leaves you feeling like sh*t.

So why do we religiously stick with one of the body’s natural rhythms, and not the other? Why do we ignore our menstrual cycles, think that we have to just suffer through the symptoms, deal with the mood swings and resent having a uterus?

Imagine if you all of a sudden decided to start going to bed 5 hours later and waking up at the same time or if you started skipping regular meal times and instead having random snacks throughout the day. You would start to feel like sh*t pretty quickly.

This is the same effect as those debilitating period cramps, migraines, hot flushes and mood swings. These are common, but they are not normal

It’s like jet lag for your period. Constantly.

All of this is in your control. Just as the circadian rhythm is set or shifted by your daily habits and lifestyle factors, so is your menstrual cycle. By simply learning about and adapting to your body’s individual hormonal fluctuations, you can better manage your energy; both physically and mentally.

Females have a second blueprint of valuable biological and physiological data that can not only give us a reading of our current health, but also alert us of potential future risks.

It can also allow us to learn about our own bodies in a much deeper way than how we are traditionally taught to. Knowing your cycle, your symptoms, your peaks and your dips will allow you to prepare for all facets of life in the best way possible, allowing you to achieve optimal productivity, efficiency, creativity, performance or whatever it may be for you.

If you start cycle syncing now, you’ll notice a difference in your energy levels, mood, sleep quality, metabolism, strength, performance and focus in as little as 3 months.

Not sure how? That’s what we’re here for.

Get ready to Recover, Adapt, Perform and Optimise all aspects of your cycle with Femformance..

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